Senin, 07 Januari 2013

"Benteng Pendem" A stronghold that is one of a relic Hindia Belanda

Indonesia is a dutch colony which until now still remaining relic indies dutch namely one is in form of tugu "fort du bus". Of this pillar is in 1828 at lobo ever stood up fortification and post administration indies dutch named fort du bus. Name ford du bus taken from the name governor general indies dutch ruling that moment, l.p.j. Burggraaf du bus de gisignies. The founding of the fort was marked the commencement indies dutch colony in the land of papua. During that time government indies netherlands even lift three an indigenous population each is king namatota, king lokajihia gauze, namely and lutu ( people more thoughtful in lobo, mewara and sendawan ) as chief in their regions.

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